How to Tastefully Incorporate Birthstones into Custom Jewelry

How to Tastefully Incorporate Birthstones into Custom Jewelry

Purchasing fine jewelry is always a big decision, and not just because of the high-end price tag. You want to purchase a piece that you love enough to wear and cherish for years to come. The best jewelry pieces are ones that have a personal meaning while still looking absolutely stunning. Incorporating birthstones into jewelry is a great way to make it more unique, but doing it tastefully can be a challenge. We have some tips to help you create a gorgeous custom piece of jewelry with birthstones. 

The Significance of Birthstones

Specific gemstones are assigned to each month of the year as "birthstones." Some months even have multiple birthstones for different dates at the beginning and end of the month. Birthstones are unique colored gemstones that signify the month that someone was born. Many people like to incorporate birthstones of their children and other loved ones into jewelry so they have a special way to cherish them. You can also incorporate your own birthstone to make a piece of jewelry unique just like you!

Types of Jewelry to Add Birthstones to

Birthstones are most commonly added to necklaces and rings, but they can be added to earrings and bracelets as well. Rings can be customized with one large birthstone right in the center as the main stone, or with smaller birthstones surrounding a diamond as the main stone. Mother’s rings are a common type of custom birthstone ring that features the birthstone of each child the mother has had.

Birthstone jewelry tends to look more high-end and unique when the birthstone stones are not the centerpiece of the jewelry. For instance, earrings with a diamond surrounded by smaller sapphires looks better than just a large sapphire. Birthstones can be added to gold or white gold jewelry. The vibrant colors match both types of gold perfectly, so it just comes down to personal preference.

Why Custom Designed Birthstone Jewelry?

Sure, you can find pre-made birthstone jewelry online or at a jeweler in the mall. While those pieces might have the type of stone you want, they definitely aren’t unique. There’s nothing that makes your birthstone jewelry any different from everyone else’s when you purchase from a mass-manufacturer.

By spending a bit more to purchase a custom designed jewelry piece, it will feel even more special. You can also customize the size, placement, and orientation of the stones. You never realize how lackluster pre-made jewelry is until you see a perfect piece of custom jewelry that brings your vision to life!

Best Custom Jewelers in Boston MA

If you’re in the Boston area, contact Bostonian Jewelers to learn more about designing custom jewelry. We're the leading high-end custom jeweler in the Boston area. Nothing is quite as beautiful as a jewelry piece that’s custom designed and truly one of a kind! 

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