How To Upgrade Your Engagement Ring

How To Upgrade Your Engagement Ring

Your engagement ring is one of the most unique rings you can possess throughout your lifetime. The intrinsic value increases as the days pass by and the love grows. However, the engagement ring is not immune to changes in circumstances. But all hope is not lost. You can upgrade your engagement ring to fit the needs of the day. Upgrading comes in different forms depending on budget, preference, and occasion. 

Do you want to make changes to your engagement ring? Here are some upgrade ideas that can help improve the value of your engagement ring. 

Add a bigger diamond

If you use a single diamond ring with a prong holding it, a bigger diamond can be an upgrade. It is possible to upgrade this ring by removing the old one and adding an even bigger ring. That is a way of showing the growth in the love in the relationship. You can also change a gemstone to a better or bigger one. Changing is not exclusive to diamonds. 

Add more diamonds or stones

You can also add more diamonds or stones to your ring if appropriate. A three-stone engagement can upgrade to five stones. Adding a bigger stone or diamond might be challenging without removing the other diamonds. In this instance, it is best to add more to the sides. The best part of this type of upgrade is its continuity. Adding a stone to the ring during different relationship stages can become a tradition. 

Restore the Spark

Depending on the level of use, wear, and tear, your ring can start to lose its lustrous shine. Some ring types can also resist scratch better than others. However, you can upgrade your engagement by recoating the ring with shiny alloys. This step will return the ring's lustrous quality. It will be just as new. You can change the ring to a new parent metal while keeping the diamond or stone on the prongs. Changing the ring to a more expensive and better metal can also be a form of upgrading. 


While the ring size remains the same, love continues to grow among couples. And in some cases, the body grows too and changes in size. The ring starts to feel too loose or too tight. Both instances are uncomfortable. But you don't have to continue in such discomfort. You can resize the ring to a newer and more appropriate size. Resizing does not damage your ring if you employ the services of an expert jeweler. Keep the love alive, and keep the ring on the finger. 

Contact Bostonian Jewelers

Knowing that your ring can receive massive upgrades brings massive delight. It is best to look at the different options and explore the best for you. It is important to upgrade your ring when necessary. But choosing the right jeweler is also essential. You will relish the decision if you contact a trusted jeweler to help with the upgrade. If you want to upgrade your ring, consider contacting Bostonian Jewelers, an expert in such services.

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